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How much does it cost to Snooze a payment?
How much does it cost to Snooze a payment?
Written by Marketing
Updated over a week ago

You will be charged $2.49 when you select Snooze on a Spot.

Once you click on the “Snooze” button, you will be taken to a screen that shows you the cost of the delay ($2.49) and the proposed new repayment schedule. You will then be asked to confirm or go back.

Once you confirm, your default connected card will be charged the fee. When it is successful, the new date of the repayment(s) will be changed. Only the eligible repayment will be updated, and not any other repayments related to the Spot or other Spots. You will see the new repayment date(s), which will be charged on the new date.

If we are unable to take the fee, your Snooze will fail and the repayment(s) will remain unchanged. You will be able to reattempt the Snooze.

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