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What Portfolios can I select from?
Written by Chanel
Updated over 6 months ago

You can choose from up to 6 Portfolios!

We have 3 Core and 3 Sustainable Portfolios, each with a corresponding fund risk profile for conservative, moderate and aggressive appetites.

Core Portfolios

Below we’ve listed the three Portfolios and their Fund Risk Profiles:

Our Core Portfolios give you access to invest in a wide range of world-changing companies that you know and love and are managed by Blackrock.

Sustainable Portfolios

Below we’ve listed the three Portfolios and their Fund Risk Profiles:

Our Sustainable Portfolios avoid companies from industries like Fossil Fuels, Tobacco, Fur, Military, and Weapons. There doesn't have to be a tradeoff between investing responsibly and returns and these too are managed by Blackrock.

If you’d like to take a deep dive into how these decisions are made, take a look at the Prospectus for the Portfolios in the app. You can also find out how these decisions are made by taking a look at how ESG Fund Ratings work.

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